Thursday 2 October 2008

Turn Your Online Business Into a Virtual Storefront

Whether your company sells products or services, think of your website as a virtual storefront, meaning that people from all over can travel to your "store" through the web. Maintain your site just like you would a store. To generate sales and return customers, you cannot let your "store" to do the work for you. Just because you have a site that's up and running, doesn't mean you can sit back and relax.
An online business needs to open up shop everyday. This includes looking for new methods to reach the people that want what you are selling. For online business marketing, this is where social networking can help. The social web will help you reach people who have an interest in the fields surrounding your products and services. For example if you are selling vitamins, you can join networks of people interested in health, nutrition, fitness, wellness, alternative medicine, holistic diets or any other related group. You can then collect data on potential customers so that you can plan your next marketing campaign or send email blasts and newsletters.
Build to Web Success
Building a website and an online business are ongoing marketing efforts. Do not expect your business to grow if you merely set up your site, have two articles, a FaceBook profile and then leave it. You may get traffic initially, but it will eventually slow or stop, especially if you do not maintain your business!
Viewers come back for fresh material, new content, special offers, etc. If they notice that a site is not updating or recycling old material, they will take note and stop coming back. In order to keep surfers searching, you need to update blogs at least once a week and communicate with your visitors frequently. Discover what makes your products and services stand out from the competition. Choose which networking sites to sign up for, I recommend MySpace, FaceBook and LinkedIn for general and business networks. Post blog articles on top aggregators such as ArticleDashboard and EzineArticles.
Remember that you are building a business and not just another website. Every page matters as well as what you write and how you position and brand your company. Just because your store is online does not mean that it will do the work for you. So do not treat your website like a chore and commit marketing suicide. Maintain your site and you will see direct results.
TeamWork Builds Web Success
The specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And we'll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through the expanding "social web" and how to convert visitors into buyers at a high rate of return.
Your website can become an effective marketing hub for your business. To learn more about the power of Direct Response Web Marketing, log on to
Contact the Team today for a complimentary consultation to your web success!
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